Hi there - this picture is our Beautiful Bella at Conductive Education and most of you know as a parent your care goes on 24/7 while you try to fit your life around the care of your child and go to work at the same time.
Imagine for just a moment being the parent of a child with special needs and for whom you have to fund raise all the time - this is how life is for Greg and Cathy and they do it so very well with the backing and support of so many people and groups. The River Walk was a huge success but certainly took its toll on those organizing it.
On with the next event - a film evening:
The date, the contact details and the cost are all on this poster as are details of door prizes, raffles etc.
Treat yourself to an Evening In Paris and enjoy the film MIDNIGHT IN PARIS raising funds for Bella and I am sure you will have a wonderful time.
Cathy is very faithful posting the details of the generous sponsors on Bella's Page - and her work colleagues had success with their morning tea - Thank you to you all for the care and support you show to this special family.
Imogen - we are very proud of how brave you were with your hospital visit.
Love and hugs,